Monday, November 1, 2010

Progress Pics

Ok so I didn't exactly do what I said I would, but I think this is a pretty close substitute. Instead of taking pics in the same dress, I have pics that I took this weekend in a different dress. You can still notice a difference.

The first set of pics are from my birthday dinner the weekend before I began the P90X program. That was my reason to pig out... And that I did. (Don't judge me!)

These pics are from August 16, 2010:

Clearly I had too much fun with the unlimited meats!

Posing with my uninterested God son

And standing up and stuffed at the end of dinner:

Now this is from Halloween weekend Friday October 29, 2010:


And standing:

I still have a major "muffinage" going on, so I still opt for the girdle backup plan, but I wore the same one at both viewings. Lol!

So far I am VERY pleased with the progress and I can't wait to start the next round. I actually had to push everything back a week because I was a major slacker last week (didn't do workouts some days and ate and drank way too much). I've decided to do a "redo" for last week and do week 10 over.

20lbs down (undisclosed amount to go!)
See ya soon...


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Going in for the LAST Month!!

Ok so I've been MIA for awhile. It's just been really hectic lately. I'm still doing my workouts so I'm proud of that. I've been hesitant to post because I still haven't taken the pictures with my birthday dress on. I keep forgetting to do it and since I promised I'd give a comparison with that dress on, I kinda wanted to wait until I took those pictures to do another post. Plans changed and I did a really cool interview about the P90X program so I wanted to share that. Here it is:

I also wanted to talk a little bit about my progress between Day 30 and Day 60. Honestly, comparing the pictures, I didn't really see a big difference. I got soooo frustrated because the program is so hard! I have a goal and in order to reach it, something's gotta change. As I said in the beginning of the program, I haven't been following the diet plan. That MUST be my downfall... Who woulda thunk it?! So I'm going to change that up a bit and see what happens this last month.

My biggest guilty pleasure in the food department is CARBS!! Oh my goodness I could eat a plate of rice and be happy with it. It's definitely my comfort. I eat pasta more than a little bit. I told my friend that I tried to go on the whole wheat pasta, bread and brown rice thing, but she laughed and told me they are all still high in carbs. Dagonit! I thought I had something there.

I have to really limit the amount of pasta, bread and rice I consume period. I've been eating a lot of meats and vegetables lately. I do eat fruit oatmeal for breakfast at work every morning which is pretty high in carbs, and I've been going banana crazy lately and eating tons of grapes. I know these have a lot of sugar in them, but I see it as at least I'm not eating chocolate, cake and ice cream. Since I stopped eating so much carbs I've probably dropped another 3-5lbs so it's working!

I'm going to Miami in December and I wanna be hotter than the weather! I'm going to try REALLY hard to get the pics taken this week.

Crossing fingers for pics...


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Half Way There!!

I know, I know. You probably thought I'd given up by now. There's no way she could still be going after all this complaining! Well I am. It's been a few weeks since the last post. So sue me! :)

I've just begun week 7 which means I'm officially half way through the program and it's still tough as all hell. I've definitely gotten better at some things. Yoga is first on that list even though I still dread it.

My friend taught me how to make the recovery drink and boy is that a Godsend. Sometimes I crave it throughout the day but I know I can't drink it without working out thus it gives me a reason to workout. We have a weird relationship. They talk about the recovery drink at the end of each workout and I used to just ignore it, but apparently it really works. It helps your muscles to recover so that you don't feel like such a big blob of soreness the next day. Basically it's just a mega portion of protein. I got a whey protein mix from Walmart for like $15 and it's vanilla flavored. You can really just put it in water and drink it, but I think that would be a task more than a treat. I create a shake. My ingredients are frozen fruit and soy milk. My favorite combos are kiwi and pinapple or just plain sweet black cherries (since the mix is vanilla it takes like cherry vanilla ice cream). Talk about a recovery!! You're supposed to have it between 15-60 minutes after your workout. I get it made and digested within 10. Yep no shower involved. I can't resist!

Anyways I'm almost to my second set of pics and I think I will show a sample. I definitely won't post the sports bra pics :-/ but I took a picture right before I started this program on my birthday (as shown above) and as you can see, I had on a rather fitted dress. I think I will put it back on and show the comparison. That'll be in 2 more weeks. So I've gotten down 15 lbs but I had a little gathering at my place Sunday and ate massive amounts of pizza, cupcakes, wine and watermelon (great combo). That set me back about 5 lbs. I would have never thought that one night could do that much damage! Since I never paid attention to it before I guess I would never know. That won't happen again... Maybe.

Well til day 60...

Yakan sumba

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Can See Results Already!

Now I'm on my 4th week of the P90X program. This is the most difficult thing I've had to do my entire life, but when I say I'm going to do something, I do it. It's just my personality. Some days I reeeeally struggle with pressing play. Then I literally force myself to get my lazy butt up and do it. It's only an hour and it's for ME! Why not? I can spend countless hours doing nothing but watching tv or having useless conversations. I need this. I want this. I'm GOING to get this.

So for those of you who don't know, week 4 is SUPPOSED to be "recovery" week. I thought that meant that it would be a little less difficult. I'm laughing as I'm writing this because now I know how naive I was to even think that. Before I did core synergistics, I was a little worried and asked my friend what to expect. She said that it was tough, but I'd be fine. I think she didn't want to scare me because tough is definitely an understatement. I was all over the place and that was the first time that I chuckled when he mentioned a "bonus round". He gave the option to fast forward to the cool down and that's EXACTLY what I did.

I'm also getting a little better at the yoga. It still makes me pour down sweating more than any of the other workouts, but I think my muscles are getting a little more flexible. The hardest time I have is with the balance poses. Sometimes I get frustrated because I keep hobbling and tumbling, but in due time I'm sure that'll get better.

My absolute favorite part of each workout are the stretches at the beginning and end. Although some of them really do hurt, many of them feel sooooo good. I don't know how they come up with a lot of them, but they are heaven sent in the midst of hell. Well until I have some more torture stories...


P.S. I've lost 11 lbs and my tummy is really starting to go down. I was able to wear this amazing dress last weekend and BOY did it look great! More motivation. The pain is working!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'm on week 3!

Hey guys,

Haven't posted in a little while from pure laziness and because the workouts haven't changed yet, but I wanted to give an update. I'm still going strong. Somedays I REALLY have to fight to push play (Plyo being the worst) but regardless I get it done. There are a few things that I wanted to talk about in this post so here goes.

A few more of my friends have been inspired to begin and they are having trouble with finishing the videos. My advice is to pace pace pace yourself and modify modify modify. The people on the videos are P90X graduates (probably a few times) and I'm sure they had to pass some intense trials before being selected to be on the video and even THEY have a hard time with it. Tony will tell you repeatedly to take breaks if you need them. If you can't breathe, take a break. If your legs are shaking and you're about to collapse, take a break. If you think your puny wrists aren't up to the battle of holding your body up while doing some of these exotic moves, don't break your wrists, modify it so that you don't hurt yourself. If you can't do the full push ups, modify them until you are able to get one or two in. This is an XTREME workout and in due time, you will be able to do what the rock stars on the video do. Just get through it. You have to crawl before you walk and walk before you run. Please don't kill yourself because I'm not explaining to the FBI why I forced everyone to get in shape with P90X.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that Tony is an EXCELLENT instructor. It's in my nature to pay attention to every little detail and boy is he good! He will explain each move and tell you how you're not supposed to be doing it. Many times I've caught myself doing it wrong and quickly corrected it. He tells you what is acceptable to do instead of the full move. He will tell you how many reps you need to do for a certain look. He explains many different ways to do each move so that it is still effective and getting the job done. He's also kinda cheesy funny which I can appreciate. I still don't understand how he is able to talk through each of these exercises. He doesn't just say a few words at the beginning, he talks throughout the entire set of reps. That takes a LOT of energy and strength because I can hardly talk 5 minutes after cool down let alone during the actual workout. I really like this program and how Tony presents it to the viewer.

I am in my third week and my body is pretty used to the routines now, so I'm not in constant pain at work all day. I have yet to get heavier weights, but I'm planning on starting the next set with them. I also found a goal buddy and we have set year end goals for ourselves and a treat to go along with it. But we will take baby steps and have mini goals from now until then in which we will have mini treats. She is a P90X graduate and she looks GREAT by the way. My inspiration!

Until next time,


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Losing weight in my sleep?!

So as you all may know I'm on week 2 of the P90X program. Last night was my hell on earth Plyometrics. Some tough stuff. This time I definitely had to take a few breaks because I couldn't catch my breath well. It all worked out because I still finished the entire workout. I was also baking some chicken during my workout cause a girl still has to eat. :)

Afterwards I showered, ate and layed down for the night. In the morning before I got dressed, I decided to jump on the scale because that's now my morning routine. I saw that I had lost an additional 2 lbs from the evening before. I was so shocked I couldn't believe it! This totally made my day and tells me that the hard work is DEFINITELY paying off. I'm super excited to keep going and pushing myself because man is this tough. 7 lbs in a week and a day isn't bad at all!

Another thing I noticed is that I'm not AS sore as I was the day after the first plyo workout. Don't get me wrong, I still had a hard time getting dressed this morning, but the stiffness has worn off and I am able to move around a little more freely. I was even able to walk up both escalators to get to work this morning which usually I walk up the first one and ride the second one. I wasn't even out of breath. I can see it's working! :)

Keep pushing!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

End of Week 1

I've been a little lazy with posting lately, but I had to tell about the last 2 workouts of Phase I: Legs and Back and Kempo X. I actually missed Legs and Back on Friday because I was pretty busy, so I did it Saturday morning when I woke up and then I did Kempo X later that evening.

Legs and Back like everything else is tough. This is a series of lunges, squats, excrutiating tippy toe routines, every muscle you can think of in your legs are being forced to work. There's one move that was the worst ever. I forgot the name of it, but the pain spoke volumes. He forces you to squat against the wall for thirty seconds. Again 30 seconds may sound like no big deal. What's a half minute right? WRONG again! And to add insult to injury, he makes you go BACK and do it again after a series of different painful leg excercises and apparently just sitting there wasn't good enough the first time. He makes you do it lifting one leg this time. 30 seconds on EACH leg. Just thinking about the pain makes me giggle. It's some tough stuff.

The next day I had to do Kempo X. This turned out to be a really fun boxing class. We were kicking major butt in my bedroom. Jabs, uppercuts, hooks, back kicks, forward kicks, three way kicks, etc. I didn't know I had so much pent up aggression and some people really got it. It was a release and to say I sweat would be an understatement. It was more like pouring. I couldn't wear my sweat band for my waist because I may have just passed out. I figured out that I'm not as poised with my left hand as with my right. When it's time to switch hands, it's really difficult and I felt really silly. Extremely ungraceful (bowing my head in shame). He does it slow enough for you to try to get your brain to get off the 3 shots of vodka it feels as though you just took, but soon after he picks up the pace and that's when all hell breaks loose. The workout was intense, but it was definitely a good time.

On Sunday I had a choice between resting or doing X-Stretch. I chose to rest because I was busy, but I will definitely do it this coming Sunday.

I'm also excited because I was able to convince a few people to endure the torture with me and they started last night! So now we get to share our funny stories and feel each other's pain. I even have my bestie in North Carolina along for the ride. I'm excited to see how long everyone sticks with it and of course the end results.

Week 2 here I go!


Oh by the way, I lost 5 lbs! Yay me!!